Rome & Sicily

Rome & Sicily
Experience the imperial history of the Roman Pantheon, glimpse into ancient life in ruined Pompeii and visit the birthplace of the pizza. Then sail to the island of Sicily to discover the sprawling ruins in Agrigento and the ancient coastal town of Taormina.
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Day 1 Overnight Flight to Italy
Day 2 Ciao Rome
Rome city walk
Spanish StepsTrevi FountainPantheonPiazza Navona
Details: Meet your tour director and check into hotel
Your 24-hour Tour Director will meet you at the airport and remain with your group until your final airport departure. You’ll also have a private coach and driver while touring .
Details: Rome city walk
Take a walk past Rome's most beautiful and unusual Baroque fountains. At the foot of the Spanish Steps, elegant cafes surround the central fountain. The water pressure here was so low that the artist had to sink the fountain into the ground to get any water going through it, so he went ahead and designed the fountain to look like a sinking ship. There's no shortage of water pressure at the nearby Trevi Fountain, a Baroque extravagance designed by master sculptor Bernini.
Details: Trevi Fountain
View the Trevi Fountain, where it is traditional to toss a coin into the fountain to ensure a safe return to the Eternal City.
Details: Piazza Navona
We will spend some time in the Piazza Navona area. Built on the foundations of Domitian's Circus, this magnificent square was designed by Borromini in 17th century. It is full of life and is highlighted by one of Rome's most spectacular fountains, the Four Rivers designed by Bernini. The square is often filled with local artists. The surrounding neighborhood is also one of the best places in Rome to get a tasty tartufo or gelato ice cream
Day 3 Rome landmarks
Rome guided walking sightseeing tour with Whisper headsets
Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel visitSt. Peter’s Basilica visitColosseum visitPiazza VeneziaForum Romanum visit
Authentic trattoria dinner
Details: Rome guided walking sightseeing tour with Whisper headsets
Gods and gladiators, glory and gore. Ancient Rome lives on in its spectacular monuments, flavoring the frenetic present with tastes of the past. Don a space-age Whisper headset to get the inside scoop on the most spectacular, the Colosseum, a grisly battle arena that seated more than 45,000. An enormous retractable roof awning system kept spectators cool on sunny days. The nearby Forum provides a glimpse into everyday ancient life, with markets, meeting places, and temples all combined into one vast space. Move into Christian Rome at St. Peter’s Basilica, the triumphal Renaissance church flanked by rows of columns radiating outward like welcoming arms. Within the church Michelangelo’s masterpieces are on display, the “Pietà” in the main church and the recently restored ceiling frescoes and “Last Judgment” in the Sistine Chapel. Continue your trek through time at Piazza Venezia, site of the enormous monument to Victor Emmanuel II, Italy’s first king, and of the Palazzo Venezia, where Mussolini set up his headquarters and from whose porch his mother was said to eavesdrop on citizens below. (The Sistine Chapel is closed on most religious holidays and Sundays, except for the last Sunday in each month).
Details: Forum Romanum visit
Tour the ruins and excavations of the Roman Forum, which features the remains of magnificent temples, basilicas, and triumphal arches that once formed the heart of the Empire.
Day 4 Rome--Sorrento
Travel to Sorrento
Details: Capri & Blue Grotto excursion
From the Bay of Naples the island of Capri is less than an hour away by boat. Weather permitting, you will take a boat to the Blue Grotto, where sunlight reflected from beneath the water bathes the cave in a silver-blue light.
Day 5 Sorrento--Palermo
Travel to Naples
Naples guided sightseeing tour
Castel dell'OvoMaschio AngioinoPiazza PlebescitoPiazza MunicipioNaples Archaeological Museum visit
Overnight ferry from Naples to Palermo
Details: Cameo workshop
Cameos, oval in shape and consisting of a portrait in profile carved in relief on a background of a different color, are often worn as jewelry. Stone cameos of great artistry were made in Greece dating back as far as the 3rd century BC, the oldest being the Hellenistic piece the Farnese Tazza. They were very popular in Ancient Rome, especially in the family circle of Augustus. Stop by a modern-day cameo workshop and watch artisans carve them up close.
Details: Pompeii guided excursion
Stop to see the city where time stood still, literally. Once an important Roman city with 20,000 residents, Pompeii was frozen in time nearly 2000 years ago, when Mount Vesuvius erupted and buried the city under 30 feet of mud and volcanic ash. Forgotten for centuries after the eruption, Pompeii was discovered in the 1600s and is now completely excavated. On your tour you will learn how Romans of all classes lived their lives--not only from large public structures, but from details like political graffiti, bars, and street signs.
Details: Naples guided sightseeing tour
As unpredictable and exuberant as Vesuvius itself. Boisterous Naples holds Italy's most theatrical population, as the spontaneous public singing, performing, arguing -- and the inhabitants' flair for overly dramatic driving -- will be immediately apparent. Dive into the chaos and grandeur on a guided sightseeing tour of the third largest city in the country. The Maschio Angioino palace (built in 1282 by the Angevin monarchs and therefore called "The Little Angevin Baby") dominates the Piazza Municipio, while temporary art installations (which have included enormous salt pyramids and giant mountains of old furniture) often stand in the Piazza Plebescito, modeled after Bernini's piazza at St. Peter's. The imposing Castel dell'Ovo has a less imposing translation -- "Egg Castle." Neapolitan legend claims that Virgil hid an egg under lock and key in the basement of the castle, and if that egg ever breaks, calamity will befall all of Naples. The egg seems to be holding up well, though; Naples is as beautiful as ever.
Details: Naples Archaeological Museum visit
Visit the National Archaeological Museum, one of the finest antiquities museums in the world. With its Roman and Greek sculpture, this museum contains one of Europe's most valuable archaeological collections, highlighted by the select Farnese acquisitions, and the mosaics and sculpture excavated at Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Day 6 Palermo--Agrigento
Palermo guided sightseeing tour with cathedral visit
Quattro CantiPalermo CathedralTeatro MassimoLa MartoranaMonreale visitMonreale Cathedral visit
Travel to Agrigento
Details: Palermo guided sightseeing tour with cathedral visit
Explore the chaotic and vibrant capital of Sicily, where a mix of Italian, Arab, French, and Phoenician influences -- to name only a few -- has created a culture unique in all of Italy. Islamic filigreed windows throw intricate shadows on 17th-century Baroque cupolas; gold and marble mosaics sparkle in churches while leafy palm trees ruffle in ocean breezes outside. With a licensed local guide, start your tour of this energetic city at the Baroque Quattro Canti ("four corners"), Palermo's central intersection. Head to the Norman Palace, once home to the finest and most learned court in Europe. (Notice the halos on the statues -- they were added to the original Moorish statues when the Christian Normans arrived in 1072 and took over the building.) Step inside La Martorana, one of the few buildings remaining from the Middle Ages, for a peek at its glittering gold Byzantine mosaics. And don't miss the rows of pastry shops selling marzipan, a Sicilian specialty; the sweet almond-paste candy is sculpted and dyed to resemble realistic fruits, vegetables -- even shellfish!
Day 7 Agrigento--Taormina
Agrigento guided sightseeing tour
Valley of the Temples visit
Travel to Taormina
Details: Agrigento guided sightseeing tour
Legend claims that Daedalus, the creator of the original labyrinth, founded the ancient Greek city of Agrigento. Today it’s a maze of amazing ruins. The Valley of the Temples holds the remains of the largest Doric temple in the world as well as the impressive Temple of Concord, a picture-book example of a perfect Greek temple. (Its conversion to a Christian church in the sixth century helps explain its preservation; anti-Paganism teamed up with several earthquakes to topple most of the surrounding structures.)
Day 8 Taormina landmarks
Taormina guided sightseeing tour
Palazzo CorvaiaBotanical GardensGreek theater visit
Details: Taormina guided sightseeing tour
An earthly paradise. From the ancient Greek theater on a Taormina hilltop, your eye wanders over the violet outline of Mount Etna dominating the skyline, through the almond and lemon groves releasing the fragrance of blossoms and marzipan and lemonade, across bright fishing boats bobbing on the ocean's blue waves to the distant misty view of the Italian mainland hovering above the water. With a licensed local guide, explore the views and history that have enchanted so many, from the ancient Greeks to the Romans to the Moors to the Normans to the Spanish to Francis Ford Coppola, who filmed scenes for "The Godfather" nearby.
Day 9 Aeolian Islands
Day 10 End tour
Map of Rome & Sicily Educational Tour
Tour Includes:
  • Round-trip airfare
  • 7 overnight stays in hotels with private bathrooms
  • 1 overnight stay in cabins on ferry
  • Full European breakfast daily
  • Dinner daily
  • Full-time services of a professional tour director
  • Guided sightseeing tours and city walks as per itinerary
  • Visit to select attractions as per itinerary
  • Guided sightseeing tours with high-tech headset as per itinerary
  • Tour Diary™
  • Local Guide and Local Bus Driver tips; see note regarding other important tips
  • Note: On arrival day only dinner is provided; on departure day, only breakfast is provided
  • Note: Tour cost does not include airline-imposed baggage fees, or fees for any required passport or visa. Optional excursions, optional pre-paid Tour Director and multi-day bus driver tipping, among other individual and group customizations will be listed as separate line items in the total trip cost, if included.
We are better able to assist you with a quote for your selected departure date and city over the phone. Please call 1.888.310.7120 to price this tour with your requested options.
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